At 21 April we organized an activity concerning sustainable tourism, where more one hundred persons were participated, walking around eleven kilometers in the beautiful landscape and having a nature experience.
National Meeting of Hungarian Environmental NGOs
Between 12-15th of April, it took place in Sâncraiu the XXVII. National meeting of the Hungarian Environmental NGOs, where our association Focus Eco Center was the co-organizer of the event.
Round table discussion about ecotourism
Linked with the Salt Way program we organized after the walking trip a round table discussion.
Now is available the “Mysteries of the water” movie
In our latest documentary we will try to show you the mysteries of the water, what are its secrets, what can it offer, and what are the problems with it.
Now is available our new brochure “Changing living places”
Our latest brochure is about changing living places, the values of Niraj valley, rural development strategies, environmental, economical problems and solutions.