“Living places in the future” photo contest results
We have the results of the “Living places from the future” photo contest!
You can find in the jury professional photographers and environmentalists.
The members of jury:
President: Both Gyula – Marx József photoclub’s president from Targu Mures; members: Dr. Hajdu Zoltán – executive chairman at Focus Eco Center; Bakó Mihály – photographer, environmentalist, Sepsiszentgyörgy; Kósa István – ecologist, photographer, Csíkszereda; Nagy Botond – PR specialist, environmentalist, Marosvásárhely
It was a hard decision, after a thorough consideration the jury chose the best photos. We are delighted that we received picture also from different places from Hungary.
The results:
Adult category:
- award: Szigeti Szenner Szilárd (Tîrgu Mureș) – To the future
- award: Domahidi Klára (Tiszalúc) – Big city oasis
- award: Bálint Zsigmond (Tîrgu Mureș) – In green field
Youth category:
- award: Kapusi Kinga (Tîrgu Mureș) – Sorry, but this is not boulevard!
- award: Gidófalvi Botond-József (Vălureni) – Thinking about plants
- award: Német Ágóta-Kinga (Gălești) – Inside beauty
Special awards:
Sustainable future – Harmony with nature special award: Csíkos László (Hódmezővásárhely) – Edge of city
Sustainable future – Mobility special award: Kucsera Jenő(Marosvásárhely) – Priority is obligatory
Sustainable future – Rural landscape spcial award: Palkó-Gyöngyösi István-Tibor (Sepsiszentgyörgy) – Pasture in Malnaș-băi
Sustainable future – Alternative energy special award: Plájás István (Marosvásárhely) – Vetés(en)forgó
The exhibited photos can be here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/111013734600251290340/albums/6363198864293818625
Thank you for the applicants and congratulations to winner!
The Focus Eco Center team