We have the results of the “Living places from the future” photo contest!

You can find in the jury professional photographers and environmentalists.

The members of jury:

President: Both Gyula –  Marx József photoclub’s president from Targu Mures; members: Dr. Hajdu Zoltán – executive chairman at Focus Eco Center; Bakó Mihály – photographer, environmentalist, Sepsiszentgyörgy; Kósa István – ecologist, photographer, Csíkszereda; Nagy Botond – PR specialist, environmentalist, Marosvásárhely

It was a hard decision, after a thorough consideration the jury chose the best photos. We are delighted that we received picture also from different places from Hungary.

The results:

Adult category:

  1. award: Szigeti Szenner Szilárd (Tîrgu Mureș) – To the future
  2. award: Domahidi Klára (Tiszalúc) – Big city oasis
  3. award: Bálint Zsigmond (Tîrgu Mureș) – In green field

Youth category:

  1. award: Kapusi Kinga (Tîrgu Mureș) – Sorry, but this is not boulevard!
  2. award: Gidófalvi Botond-József (Vălureni) – Thinking about plants
  3. award: Német Ágóta-Kinga (Gălești) – Inside beauty

Special awards:

Sustainable future – Harmony with nature special award: Csíkos László (Hódmezővásárhely) – Edge of city

Sustainable future – Mobility special award: Kucsera Jenő(Marosvásárhely) – Priority is obligatory

Sustainable future – Rural landscape spcial award: Palkó-Gyöngyösi István-Tibor (Sepsiszentgyörgy) – Pasture in Malnaș-băi

Sustainable future – Alternative energy special award: Plájás István (Marosvásárhely) – Vetés(en)forgó

The exhibited photos can be here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/111013734600251290340/albums/6363198864293818625

Thank you for the applicants and congratulations to winner!

The Focus Eco Center team 

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