“What do you think about development” photo contest exhibition
(If you want more informations about the photos, please click on the “I” on the platform)
We open the exhibition at 11th of December in Targu Mures in the exhibition hall of Unitarian Church.
More than fifty people came to the exhibition, where Dr. Hajdu Zoltán, the executive chairman of Focus Eco Center opened the event, who was talking about the photo contest and the backround of this, after that Both Gyula, the president of the Marx József photoclub was speaking about the photos.
After that the award ceremony it took place the movie premier, “Whom guided by the starts”.
Photos from the event:
Press reaction: Népújság: http://www.e-nepujsag.ro/op/article/fot%C3%B3ki%C3%A1ll%C3%ADt%C3%A1s-%C3%A9s-film-m%C3%A1sk%C3%A9nt-gondolkod%C3%A1sr%C3%B3l