In Tg. Mures at 6-7 th of May it was organized the first Regional/Thematic meeting in the framework of the project “CHANGE THE POWER – (EM)POWER TO CHANGE: LOCAL AUTHORITIES TOWARDS THE SDGS AND CLIMATE JUSTICE”

After the opening speech of the president of the Mures County, Mr. Ferenc Peter, it was presented the Climate Alliance by, Thomas Brose, executive director of the organization. The theme of the meeting was “In harmony or in contrast with the ecological systems?  Practices which preserve/harm the sustainability of the European landscape”. After the conference it was organised a site visit to the Transylvanian countryside, to get familiar with the sustainable lifestyle. 

The themes raised at the meeting were the use of the RES, in special the water and the biomass and the link with between the RES and the preservation of the ecosystem services in the context of the regional development. On the meeting were participating 35 people from Germany, Hungary and from Romania. The participants were representatives of LAs, civil organizations, universities, and mass media. The meeting was opened by the president of the Mures County Council: Mr. Ferenc Peter, after that the executive director of the CA, Mr. Thomas Brose presented the activities of the CA to the participants, the representatives of the WWF Romania, Mrs. Camelia Ionescu presented the situation of the micro-hydro power plants in the Carpathian mountains. After the presentations and discussions on the meeting, the participants visited the Mures County Council. On the next day the participants visited the locality of Galesti which is pioneer in the climate protection, after the visit, the LA of Galesti decided to apply for the membership of CA. The participants visited also the area Corund-Praid which is well known for the traditional/sustainable lifestyle, for handcrafts and for self-sufficiency in food production. This study tour offered interesting case studies to the participants about the sustainable lifestyle and climate protection.

The presentations from the conference you can download from here.

The video about the meeting you can see here:

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